Programming a MAC Changer in Python

Increase your anonymity by changing your MAC

3 min readJun 12, 2021


In this blog, I am gonna tell you, how you can program a MAC Address changer using Python. So let’s get started.
First thing first, what are the ingredients you gonna need:
1. Virtual Box
2. Kali Linux Image
3. Pycharm
That’s all. I have gone through how to install Kali Linux on Virtual Box and how to write your first python code in Pycharm in a separate blog.

After everything is set up, let's now understand what is actually MAC.

MAC -> Media Access Control
- Physical
- Unique
- Assigned by the manufacturer

How to check, what’s your device MAC Address
Open a terminal -> type ifconfig

Why Change the MAC Address?
Increases anonymity
- Impersonate other devices
- Bypass filters

Now let us see, how we can change MAC Address using the terminal first

Commands to change MAC Address using terminal
  • First, you check what’s your MAC Address using ifconfig
  • Then you shut down your interface
  • Then you enter your desired MAC Address
  • Then you start the interface again

Running Shell command using python module, subprocess

  • The subprocess module contains a number of functions.
  • These functions allow us to execute system commands.
  • Commands depend on the Operating System which executes the script.

MAC Changer Using 3 simple commands

  • First, we shut down the interface
  • Then we change the MAC Address
  • Finally, we restart the interface

Now, let’s execute it using an algorithm
Goal → Check if MAC address was changed

  • Execute and read ifconfig
  • Read the MAC Address from the output
  • Check if MAC in ifconfig is what the user requested
  • Print appropriate message.

Step1: Execute and Read ifconfig

Step2: Read the MAC Address from the output

Step3: Check the result and print the appropriate message.


  • Run python3 — help to see the manual
  • Changing MAC Address to 00:22:33:44:55:66
  • Confirming the change

That’s all for this blog. The code is available here.




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